
Fogel Karl [FAMILY Given]

Chicago, March 14, 2004

A bad Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet is one that is composed not of the questions people actually asked, but of the questions the FAQ's author wished people had asked. Perhaps you've seen the type before:

Q: How can I use Glorbosoft XYZ to maximize team productivity?

A: Many of our customers want to know how they can maximize productivity through our patented office groupware innovations. The answer is simple: first, click on the 「File」 menu, scroll down to 「Increase Productivity」, then…

The problem with such FAQs is that they are not, in a literal sense, FAQs at all. No one ever called the tech support line and asked, 「How can we maximize productivity?」. Rather, people asked highly specific questions, like, 「How can we change the calendaring system to send reminders two days in advance instead of one?」 and so on. But it's a lot easier to make up imaginary Frequently Asked Questions than it is to discover the real ones. Compiling a true FAQ sheet requires a sustained, organized effort: over the lifetime of the software, incoming questions must be tracked, responses monitored, and all gathered into a coherent, searchable whole that reflects the collective experience of users in the wild. It calls for the patient, observant attitude of a field naturalist. No grand hypothesizing, no visionary pronouncements here—open eyes and accurate note-taking are what's needed most.

What I love about this book is that it grew out of just such a process, and shows it on every page. It is the direct result of the authors' encounters with users. It began with Ben Collins-Sussman's observation that people were asking the same basic questions over and over on the Subversion mailing lists: What are the standard workflows to use with Subversion? Do branches and tags work the same way as in other version control systems? How can I find out who made a particular change?

Frustrated at seeing the same questions day after day, Ben worked intensely over a month in the summer of 2002 to write The Subversion Handbook, a sixty page manual that covered all the basics of using Subversion. The manual made no pretense of being complete, but it was distributed with Subversion and got users over that initial hump in the learning curve. When O'Reilly and Associates decided to publish a full-length Subversion book, the path of least resistance was obvious: just expand the Subversion handbook.

The three co-authors of the new book were thus presented with an unusual opportunity. Officially, their task was to write a book top-down, starting from a table of contents and an initial draft. But they also had access to a steady stream—indeed, an uncontrollable geyser—of bottom-up source material. Subversion was already in the hands of thousands of early adopters, and those users were giving tons of feedback, not only about Subversion, but about its existing documentation.

彼らがこの本を書いている間じゅう、Ben, Mike そして Brian は Subversion メーリングリストとチャットチャンネルをうろつき、 注意深く実際の状況下でユーザが実際に陥る本当の問題を記録してきました。 そのようなフィードバックを監視することは、とにかく CollabNet での彼ら の作業の一部だったわけで、このフィードバックは Subversion をドキュメン ト化する上で非常に有益なものでした。 彼らが書き上げたこの本は、そんな作業を反映しています。しっかりとした 経験を基礎とし、希望的観測に流されず、この本はユーザマニュアルと FAQ の最良の部分をまとめたものです。この二重性は一度読んだだけでは 気がつかないでしょう。順序良く、最初から最後まで、この本はソフトウェア の一片の率直な記述になっています。概略について書かれ、不可欠な同伴 ガイドがあり、管理用設定の章があり、いくつかの進んだトピックに触れ、 そしてもちろんコマンドリファレンスと、障害時の対応法があります。 それは具体的な問題の解法を探しに後で戻ってきてはじめて意味が理解 できるでしょう: そこで語られている詳細は不測の事態に陥った時にしか 関係してきませんし、利用例は本当のユースケースを洗練したものですし ほとんどすべての部分がユーザのニーズとユーザの視点への配慮であふれて います。

Of course, no one can promise that this book will answer every question you have about Subversion. Sometimes, the precision with which it anticipates your questions will seem eerily telepathic; yet occasionally, you will stumble into a hole in the community's knowledge, and come away empty-handed. When this happens, the best thing you can do is email and present your problem. The authors are still there, still watching, and they include not just the three listed on the cover, but many others who contributed corrections and original material. From the community's point of view, solving your problem is merely a pleasant side effect of a much larger project—namely, slowly adjusting this book, and ultimately Subversion itself, to more closely match the way people actually use it. They are eager to hear from you not merely because they can help you, but because you can help them. With Subversion as with all active free software projects, you are not alone.

Let this book be your first companion.